Team NG Metal

Christen Bo Justesen
Tlf: 20 26 58 24

Regner Ditlev Dahl
CSO - Director of sales
Tlf: 22 73 93 15

Flemming H. Lind
CFO - Director of Finance/Operations
Tlf: 20 95 14 55

Michael Andersen
Director of Sales - Datacenter
Tlf: 22 90 68 73

Anette Kiær Nielsen
Key Account Manager
Tlf: 41 10 68 56

Peter Bjarke Laursen
Key Account Manager
Tlf: 29 93 54 08

Eva H. Klausholt
Manager - Accounting
Tlf: 97 56 42 11

Lars Sand Kirk
Internal Sales
Tlf: 29 93 06 95

Martin Kirk
Production Manager
Tlf: 28 93 49 85

Per Henriksen
Production Manager
Tlf: 29 70 91 97

Andriy Yatsiushka
PTA - Technical designer
Tlf: 30 49 49 25

Henrik Jakobsen
PTA - Technical designer
Tlf: 29 70 78 72

Christian Justesen
Project Manager
Tlf: 29 87 46 79

Volodymyr Lotoshynskyi
Logistics coordinator
Tlf: 97 56 42 11

Jesper Sigaard Rasmussen
Manager - Purchase & logistics
Tlf: 29 70 72 68

Cirsten Justesen
HR and sustainability facilitator
Tlf: 23 49 66 04

Alina Protsenko
Purchase and Logistics
Tlf: 97 56 42 11

Liljan E. Andersen
Administration trainee
Tlf: 70 26 71 88